The report in the newspaper stated:

'Some two or three years ago the Cardiff Conservative Association determined to hold what they termed a monster demonstration in the shape of a fete and gala, in the Sophia Garden field.

The result, of course, draw a large number of visitors to the field, and the monster Conservative demonstration was published far and wide, although it was well-known that the majority present represented no particular party, but consisted of thousands of young persons to whom politics were almost unknown.'

Contentious victory

It went on to report on the rather contentious victory of Tredegar Band in the brass band contest on a day when some of the attractions were, ‘.... the fat woman, the dwarf, the learned pig, performing monkeys, Aunt Sally, and refreshment saloons’.

Six bands competed during the afternoon, and according to the report, '...played a programme of music of a very excellent character.'

The bands were - Tondu, 16 performers; Tredegar, 25 performers; Captain Ingram's Penarth Artillery Band; Cymmer Band; Cardiff Excelsior, and 1st Detachment 2nd Glamorgan Volunteers.

These bands played selections from Bellini, R. Smith, Rossini, Handel, Batman, Kling, Planquette, &c.

Great attraction

The report went on to state: 'Some dissatisfaction was expressed at statements made that the Tredegar band was composed of selections from several bands. These, it was stated by the bandmaster, had been members of the band for some time, although many of the Tredegar band formerly belonged to other bands.

This competition was the great attraction of the day, and as Mr Williams had provided seats round the band pavilion for several thousand persons, they were generally occupied.

Professor S. Hughes, from the Royal Italian Opera, London, was the judge; but owing to the objections raised, his decision was not known until a late hour.

He awarded the first prize, £15 and a cornet, to Tredegar band; £5 and a cornet to Penarth Artillery Volunteer Band; and a gold medal to 1st Detachment of 2nd Glamorgan Rifle Volunteers.'

Further report

A further report in the South Wales Echo of 3rd September, noted that each band played two pieces, then joined for massed band performances under Mr G French Davies of Cardiff to play ‘Rule Britannia’ - ‘which raised the enthusiasm of the audience’.